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A guide on how to support Boys World and be the ultimate Star



Be the best of yourself

Be the best of yourself! 

If you didn't already know, Boys World stands for Best Of Yourself. The members want YOU to be the best of yourselves (as well as them)!

So, to become one of the best Stars you have to accept and set goals to love yourself. Start slow and steady; it takes time! Just do your best to set goals to love who you truly are. Don’t focus on the negative aspects of you; every little flaw that you believe is there can turn from a seedling into a weed of negativity. Or you can turn that flaw into a blooming flower and love it! Always remember that you are loved because the Star community loves you!


Stars World



Support other stars

Support other Stars! Whether you are new to the fandom or have been a Day 1 Star, support is key! Love other Stars, and you will receive love too. This community is all about supporting each other. We all love each other, bond and make life long friendships along the way!

Not to mention, being the best of yourself means that you have to treat others how you like to be treated. So of course, welcome new Stars to the fandom and be as friendly as you can. Even if you have no social media to reach out on, know that all us Stars love you. 

And no matter what, know that you all have something you can bond and learn over...Boys World!


Stars World

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Connect with others

Connect with others! Now an important step to being the best Star is to connect with others and make other Stars feel less lonely. It is okay if you don't have social media though. Us Stars always support each other in spirit. But as we discussed in Step 2, we should always be there for each other!

So take a chance and initiate a conversation, suggest a zoom call, a streaming party or do a games night online! Stars will always be ready to try something new.

Not to mention, connect with Boys World! They will always connect with the Stars and respond to your comments, like your posts and send you DMs. Not to mention there are plenty of competitions and zoom calls where you could get to meet the girl band.


Stars World

Step #4: Supporting Boys World


Now we get into the "Supporting Boys World" side of things! Now supporting Boys World is most importantly an emotional side of things, and you can support them always be being kind and true to yourself.

Here we look at some other ways to support the girl group, take a look!






If you are a Star who wants Boys World to grow big and succeed even more than they already are, stream their music. Not to mention, watch their music videos too.

You hear me! Tell your neighbour, your best-friend, your teacher or even your dog. We know you want to see Boys World perform at the Grammys one day, so let's make it possible!


Stars World



Online Support

Another way you can support the girls is to follow and support them on social media! Them gaining followers, comments and likes helps them be recommended to other future Stars on social media!

Not to mention, media outlets too (I mean MTV noticed Boys World)!

If you don't know that this doesn't matter too much!

Boys World also has a ton of ways to keep in touch and connect with Stars without social media! One of the most popular means is the Boys World newsletter! Each newsletter released has a message from each of the girls, photos, behind the scene clips, announcements and teasers! What more could you want? Here, Stars can support Boys World by being updated on new songs, music videos and content! Remember, of course being a Star is being yourself so it is okay if you cannot do some of these!


Stars World



Emotional support

And the most important part: Always be there for them! Remember to always support the girl band in the darkest of their times and remind them that they are loved. We all need a little self-confidence booster! 

And they will always, without doubt be there for us Stars! Remember to always be the best of yourself, and take on their legacy! That is the best way you could ever be a fan of Boys World!


Stars World

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Be a Star

And finally, remember that being a Star just means to love and be kind! Be yourself and be kind to others, that is all you need! Just remember to support others and treat others how you would like to be treated. Being part of the Boys World fandom is not measured by buying merch or liking their photos on social media. Yes, it can help and support them. But there is something much more meaningful you can do; be the best of yourself. Boys World's legacy is that they want you to be the best of yourself, and them to be. So be true to your feelings! And one day, you can maybe meet them too.


Stars World


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